About Us

What does "Dating Boutique Milan Agency" stand for?


Dating Boutique Milan Agency Models is a reputable and innovative company for escort companionships based in Milan. For our demanding clients, we organize and convey exclusive travelling partners worldwide. The models who represent Dating Boutique Milan Agency Models and who were tasked by us are characterized by their attractive appearance, charm, intelligence and passion for this independent work. Whoever is represented by us, experiences new and exciting possibilities. Interesting journeys, which can be abroad as well and the meet and greets with interesting people. These are only a few of the many comforts besides the fee you will get as a travel partner.


Every single model of Dating Boutique Milan Agency Models either works in her regular job or goes to university. The part time job allows you to have a peek into the world of adventure and luxury. In addition to cultural events to concerts or theater you will also be able to visit the haute cuisine. Models who are open-minded for such things, will enjoy exciting hours, days and nights as a traveling companion at Dating Boutique Milan Agency Models.


Our lovely companions are employed in usual jobs and come into bloom as a travel partner with a gentleman. Our models like to dive in into another world. They love the distant lands, and the time-out from everyday life. All of our ladies are good listeners, communication talents, understanding, affectionate and have their heart at the right place. These desirable, intelligent and charming women can accompany (depending on the occasion) you as a business woman, unapproachable beauty or sexy model on your trip.


Our agency attaches much importance on discretion. Your longings, wishes and secrets are safe with us. We live the privacy because only like that we can organize the perfect time with your model by your side. If you feel the urge to have extra security for your journey then we will convey you this service as well. Dating Boutique Milan Agency provides you the entrance to a magical voyage.

Dating Boutique Milan Agency is a young, international and exclusive platform for escort. We organize the service for our independent models, who will accompany you. With our philosophy “Lovely companionship for your perfect moments” we will respond to your needs by putting much passion to conveying you your perfect moment. This includes guidance, arranging and on request the booking for the whole travel arrangement.


No matter how you decide to spend your night out in Milan, you certainly do not want to spend it alone. If you are constantly looking for a new experience and want to try something different from your daily routine, consider hiring a Milan escort. Several high-class escort services in Milan have attractive, young women who enjoy spending a night out and desire to experience the company of others and experiencing new things. An escort in Milan is an excellent way to spend an enjoyable, intimate evening. An escort can provide you with companionship during a night out, whether it is at a club, bar, restaurant, or even at a Broadway show.

​Milan is an lively, fun city and there is an endless amount of ways you can spend an evening. Hiring an escort in Milan is one way to ensure you enjoy your night out with a beautiful, young woman who will enable you to have the best possible night out in Milan.


Our ladies can show you around and get you inside the places only known to the insiders and natives of the area. With more than two dozen females available 24 hours a day on call to entertain men, women and couples, we are able to have an escort or many escorts to your door within minutes of your appointment booking. Any event or occasion we are ready for.


Are you in town and sight seeing the area? do you have a business event or function that you would rather have someone accompany you to? are you recently single or divorced and want some 1 on 1 fun with someone to take you out of your funk or dry spell? There are so many situation in which a call to an escort in Milan can be perfect for.